Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Production Engineering & Machine Design Department, Faculty cf Engineering & Technology, Menoufia. University, Shebin El-Kum, Egypt.


The main drawback of the ECM process, despite its suitability in performing special types of workpieces, lies not only in the difficulty of knowing how to use it effectivly, but also how to justify its initial costs . Consequently, it is extremely important to carefully estimate the economic Merit of the ECM process before utilizing it in manufacuring processes. In this work, an attempt is made to apply the electrochemical to certain applications that are considered to be impossible to be performed by conv-entional means, such as drilling of fine deep holes or cutting haled and / or brittle materials. An analysis of the factors affecting electrochemical machining costs is made. However, no generalization is possible since each application has to be considered on its own merits. Power consumption, machining time, electrolyte and labor costs are the main factors that have been taken as controlling factors. Experimental results revealed that amperage values are extremely affected by any change in either tool geometry of volumetric metal removal rate. Minimizing the costs of tooling system is achieved successfuly in this work by using simple manufacturing tools. Furthermore, the results provide production engineers with realistic information to reach an economical power consumption and a minimum operation cost when using ECM processes.