Document Type : Original Article


1 Military Factory No. 99, National Authority for Military Production.

2 Egyptian Armed Forces.


In this paper, two main research directions are used to investigate the shaped
charge phenomenon and to evaluate its performance. These directions are: (i)
analytical and (ii) numerical simulation. The analytical direction is presented by a
model consisting of three main phases; these are: (i) jet formation, (ii) jet break-up,
and (iii) jet penetration phases. The governing equations that predict the main
parameters associated with each phase are presented. These equations are
compiled into a computer program; the input data to the model is that of shaped
charge model xx. In numerical simulation direction, Autodyn-2D hydrocode is used to
simulate the xx shaped charge phenomena and to assess the predictions of the
analytical model.
The predictions of the analytical model are compared with the corresponding
measurements of the tested shaped charges of Ref. [8]; good agreement is generally
obtained. In addition, the present results of both research directions are mainly
concerned with predicting the effects of some factors of shaped charge model xx on
its performance. These factors are: (i) liner thickness, (ii) liner material, (iii) cone
angle, (iv) type of explosive and (v) standoff distance. Samples of the predicted
results representing the effect of each studied factor on the associated parameters
with jet formation and jet penetration phases are presented with relevant analysis
and discussions. It was found that the analytical results and the corresponding code
predictions were consistent. The obtained results recommended the use of powerful
explosive, the decrease of cone angle and the increase of standoff distance, keeping
the jet continuity, for increasing the performance of shaped charge model xx.
