Evaluating the effect of shape on energy absorbing response of structures used in armored vehicles floors

Document Type : Original Article


Automotive department, Military Technical College, Cairo, 11787, Egypt.



Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are a major threat to the lives and wellbeing of soldiers transported in armored vehicles. The blast of an IED under vehicle body can cause severe injuries especially to the lower extremities of vehicle occupants. Blast-mitigating structures are developed to absorb as much energy as possible to protect occupants from the
effect of blast. These structures are placed on vehicle floor to soften the impact on occupants’ lower extremities thus minimizing injuries. Shape plays an important role in determining the amount of energy absorbed in these structures. This paper presents a finite element study where nonlinear finite element (FE) models were used to simulate the motion of vehicle floor due to the blast of an IED. A benchmark structure was developed to mimic Skydex that is a trademark
structure. Different shapes were then used and compared with Skydex. The study shows the potential of optimizing shape to maximize the performance of blast-mitigating structures.
